April 4, 2016

NEO ng-conf

NEO ng-conf

What is it?

ng-conf is the biggest AngularJS conference in the country. With the advent of Angular2, the way we develop for the web is about to change for good. The Angular team has lots of great talks planned to bring us all of the details as we prepare for the official release.

…But ng-conf is located in Utah, all of the tickets are sold, and tickets cost $1K+... !

Now you can attend our local ng-conf event, officially sanctioned by ng-conf and watch all of the content as it is streamed live!

Why should you come?

Sure, you could sit at your desk and stream ng-conf on your own. But then you would miss the chance to meet and hang out with lots of passionate developers who are also pumped about Angular!

You’ll also miss all of the other great events we have planned around the streamed content, including:

  • Gaming
  • Discussions and Open Spaces
  • Hacking
  • Prizes


Wed, May 4th

9:00a - 11:00a: Meet and greet, LEAN coffee & discussions
11:00a - 12:00p: ng-conf Opening and keynote
12:00p - 2:30p: ng-conf Sessions
2:00p - 3:00p: Lunch will be served
2:30p - 4:00p: Gaming
4:00p - 8:00p: ng-conf Sessions

Thur, May 5th

9:00a - 11:00a: Hacking challenge and open hacking
11:00a - 8:00p: ng-conf Un-conference “Fair” Day
12:00p - 1:00p: Lunch
5:30p - 6:30p: Pizza
8:00p - 11:00p: Gaming
10:00p: Raffle

Fri, May 6th

9:00a - 11:00a: Open Space
11:00a - 12:00p: ng-conf Keynote
12:00p - 2:30p: ng-conf Sessions
2:00p - 3:00p: Lunch will be served
2:30p - 4:00p: Open Space
4:00p - 8:00p: Sessions
8:00p - 8:30p: Closing & farewells

What you get:

  • A sweet ng-conf shirt
  • Lunch all three days and pizza Thursday night
  • A chance to win lots of great prizes
  • Lots of connections
  • An unforgettable time!


Renovo Solutions
650 S Prospect Ave, Suite 108
Hartville, OH 44632

Register on EventBrite today!