Words of Code

An ongoing dialog about the art of creating code

Apr 7, 2016

Promise Chaining

By necessity, JavaScript code is becoming more and more asynchronous. If you have used NodeJS, you have definitely experienced this. Even front-end JavaScript code requires aync calls, both for web requests and, increasingly,

Apr 4, 2016

Transclusion Part 2 - Multi Transclusion

Basic transclusion is great for solving simple use cases, but sometimes you need more than a simple container. Advanced transclusion techniques can be very powerful, allowing you to essentially create your own templating

Apr 4, 2016

Transclusion Part 1 - Basic Transclusion

Transclusion fills an important role in angular, and yet it remains one of the most difficult to understand concepts in the framework. Many articles have been written to try to break down the

Apr 4, 2016

NEO ng-conf

NEO ng-conf

What is it? ng-conf [www.ng-conf.org] is the biggest AngularJS conference in the country. With the advent of Angular2, the way we develop for the web is about to change for good.

Apr 4, 2016

Destructuring, Practically

What is destructuring? Destructuring is a new feature that was added to the spec for ES2015. It makes it possible to extract properties and elements from arrays and objects. let obj = { someProp: 1,

Apr 4, 2016

Using RxJS

ReactiveX [http://reactivex.io/] is a library with support for many platforms and languages. It allows you to write reactive code using streams. What is a stream? A stream is a data source

Apr 4, 2016

Let's Learn AngularJS

This is a look at how to assemble a basic Angular 1 application using webpack [https://webpack.github.io/]. AngularJS [https://angularjs.org/] is a javascript front-end framework that makes it possible to